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Audio Untergrund


Partyzonesation I

Some special audio-samples from the 1995 Frankfurt Club-Life, collected by Stefan Beck. The CD shown on the right side gives an extended overview from around 1997.

You'll need RealAudio to listen to these files.

  1. Sample bei Arosa 2000, Frankfurt, 19.5.1995, im Keller.
  2. bei Arosa 2000, 19.5.1995, im Keller.
  3. Sample bei Arosa 2000, 19.5.1995, im Keller.
  4. Sample bei Arosa 2000, 19.5.1995, Stichproben
  5. Sample im Dreikönigskeller, Frankfurt, 19.5. 1995
  6. Sample Fahrradhalle Offenbach, Houseparty, 20.5. 1995
  7. Sample Fahrradhalle Offenbach
  8. Sample Fahrradhalle Offenbach

More files by special request.

Attention: The RealAudio files need RealAudio Codec 2.0. By using RealAudio Player 8 you'll be asked to download this old codec. Allow this to listen to these files.

Partyzonisation DATtapes live from Frankfurt clubs and parties

Partyzonisation I -VI
Six DAT Tapes, 12 hours, of recordings in Frankfurt clubs from 1995 and 1996.



1997 experimental CD resulting from audio recordings done in Frankfurt clubs around 1995 and 1996.

46 tracks, 71min, limited edition of single CD-Rs. (For sale EUR 30,-)

Overvoice CD a journey into the musical underground of frankfurt main


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